Returns Policy

Change of mind
We want you to be 100% happy with your purchase. So, if you are happy to send it back within 14 days of purchase in its original condition (with packaging intact), we are happy to refund you. Your refund will be processed when we have received and checked your goods. Unfortunately, we can’t cover the cost of delivery and handling for products returned due to change of mind. You’ll need to return goods to us at your own cost and risk. So that we can process your return, please mark the package clearly with the order number in your confirmation email and include the following information: the reason for the return your daytime phone number and email address
Faulty Items
Should the product be faulty or defective on arrival, we will offer you, full replacement or full refund including postage /shipping.
To maintain high-quality standards, we like to hear about manufacturing faults as they occur. Many of our brands offer extended warranties. Contact us for more information.
Items arrive damaged
Please notify us of damaged goods within 14 days of receipt. We will gladly replace or refund you, and we will also refund any return delivery costs incurred.
Return Address
PO Box 3812, Victoria Point West QLD, 4164